Tuesday, January 04, 2005

When You're Sick You're Sick

SMS. 7.52. What’s your name again? – Angelo
SMS. 7.54. Christian – christian
SMS. 7.54. Thought it was, just making sure – Angelo

Missy's happy and well. I put her on my bed to sleep last night, but she slept in the wardrobe instead. She's still sniffing out her new environment, but she seems quite calm and not too stressed.

Thank you so much... She has a bit of a wardrobe fetish. Thanks for helping me out by looking after her – I will let you know as soon as I have found a new home for her. Kiss Kiss...

Don't stress, she's a gorgeous cat. You know, yesterday I thought that I should just keep her, as I did, I looked down at my black T-shirt and jeans to see that I was completely covered in cat fur - of course, she is probably malting more so than usual from being stressed - but I guess that is the reason for me not really wanting a cat.
But she is absolutely no problem, so just when you can. Don't stress about it.

I nearly died when she came out of the box and saw that hair.... It may be her losing her winter coat – She roughed herself up a bit on the way over in that box... I tell ya!!

Mark and Luke
Are you back yet?

Hey Christian.
Hope your day is going as well as can be expected J
I hope I didn't upset you in that conversation Christian.

My day is progressing... and I feel quite fine, all things considering.
How are you feeling? Good, I hope.
No, you didn't upset me, nothing like that, not at all, not for a minute. I guess I railed against all the people who are a shelf down in intelligence and personal responsibility to you. It wasn't a drama, at all. I was more surprised at my own tornado in writing it and I decided that i don't have to defend Peter, he is a big boy now. So, I guess that is a good thing.
So, one hour down, blah, blah to go. Of course, I was 20 minutes late, so the first hour has gone fast. He, he.

I'm glad it’s you and not me (in the worst possible way) that has to be somewhere. I slept from 9 last night till 8 this morning. I feel "okay".
Off to Sydders tomorrow!

Should I be more worried about that and you than I have been of you and the last week?

Nah not at all Sydney is quiet times for me these days
J Tom

Probably just as well at this particular point in time. Hey?

definitely just as well.

Lucky you. I wish I was heading off to Sydney for a week, right about now. A lazy week in the Emerald City to start the New Year, taking in the sights, enjoying the Harbour Cities particular beauty would be lovely.
When are you back?

I'm back next Wednesday J

I don’t think I am well enough to go!

Probably best, miss. Probably best. (And hardly surprising, I say very quietly)

absolutely hardly surprising I’ve been sick since the 16th
i KNOW thats wot u mean
if u are trying to imply that u know an alternative future based on my experiences of the last three weeks, please enlighten me with proof

The first reason... and I know by the second why I said it very quietly.


Well Miss, if you're sick, you are sick.

Caroline says I'm getting better, because when we talked on the phone tonight I laughed, giggles and grunted without coughing, so therefore
(A) I must be getting better because i NEVER laugh when crappy
(B) I have the lungs to do it with
I like that forecast.
I still think that i won't be able to go, but that's life.  As a wise man once said to me today, if you're sick, you're sick.
You know, I really enjoyed my time at Ron's.
"Perhaps" the second day was a little excessive, but truly Christian, I can't tell you the last time I was cuddled and cuddled for hours.
I can actually, Beyond July.
Even though it's "possible" that the price I paid for that cuddling was Sydney, I'm not sure I didn't get a good deal.
I'm a fragile little petal, as you well know, and hands on my body and love poured into me does me an immeasurable world of good.
I stress the world "cuddle" because I swear Josh (O’Grady), I may have had an erection for 20 mins of the 24 hour total in the boudoir.  Really most I could do was just lie there and kiss and be kissed.  Every now and then I was able to be on top of either of them, and both once, but only for short times (soft dicked of course).
I was really glad to connect with Craig too, who has never remembered me, and actually only threw out the offer on Jan 1 pragmatically because the other option was them going to Club 80 or the sauna, and I was close.
He feels differently now – apparently I'm THE Tom even when I'm almost dead Tom. (Actually, THAT Tom is who I am now ).
I have to laugh at how easy it is to please people off their faces – I wont him them to it, but they told me they were their BEST EVER threesome – and I didn't do anything!!
Too funny.
(Well, kissing Craig for hours and fisting Josh to my elbow do count as something I guess)
So, I think if that's the trade I made (re: Sydney), I'm okay with that.
Hope your day okay, and I'm sorry I got grumpy with you earlier.  You are my best friend and you don't deserve nasty.
Love Tom

I think a trade of the weekend of Josh and Craig is a better deal than Sydney, if that's how it pans out. I know which I'd rather do! Although, predictably, Josh may be a little fat for me, to tell you the truth. And I only say that because I'm kind of surprised by it, him being a health professional and all... I thought he'd be into being fit, no healthy, I suppose. I guess that's what love does to you, so it must be grand. Lovely really, in all truth.
I haven't judged you once for the weekend, I can truthfully say. Probably too out of it, to be sure. Love is a great healer, facilitator of health. Threesomes and love, I have had a little experience. There is still a part of me that thinks threesomes are good for the soul – I don't just mean a shag at the sauna, of course – the combined energy of three relationships is very powerful and so unlike any two-way with only one relationship. To be touched is to be healed. To be loved is to be made invincible. To share so easily makes us all better people.
I'd trade Sydney for cuddles any day. (Even though I know that's not quite your point) And I've always know that Josh is a lovely, caring, interested, genuine bloke. (I'm starting to practice my decision to write bloke instead of guy) And now, I guess, I know Craig a little better too.
I had a lovely time at Perry's myself, it is gorgeous to gather the tribe and be so relaxed and so at peace with the world, in our own happy group. To laugh and to have fun is a powerful tonic.
My first thought this morning was that I wanted to go back and do it all again.
And the "when you're sick you're sick" comment is nothing I don't practise myself. E.g. Beyond. It's a truth, I meant it in no other way.
You're still THE TOM to me.
And, I'm not sure if this is good or bad, I didn't realise that you got crabby with me this afternoon. Actually, I guess I did, but didn't take it on as a serious thing. I'm a big boy regarding nasty.
Big smile.

Josh is a bit fat isn’t he?
Hard to pay him attention with Craig getting into you, let me tell ya
J Tom

Regarding Josh...I still have that picture of him and David (Heller) on the dance floor at Cadillac bar being incredibly beautiful naughty boys. (amongst other) There was an aura about them that was sublime, no magical. Quintessential. I'm not really sure why, but it is one of my fondest memories. (I guess that is drug fuel experiences for ya) But I think it is one of the reasons why I'm surprised when I see him now. He's just not a fat person in my mind, which is the contradiction, like car sickness; eyes playing tricks with the brain. He never will be, I guess, in some strange kind of way. He'll always be handsome

he still is handsome josh J

That is what I said.

i am agreeing with u J

Just as well!

I know!


You know how I told you that Manny called me about 7pm Saturday to say he was coming over and the next thing I knew, his handsome face was close to mine saying wake up. It was a gorgeous moment, as I came out of slumber. Well…
He said to me tonight that he had lay there for a while and was talking to me and I was answering him. I guess I should actually keep this to myself but, he asked me if I loved him and I answered yes.

he's fucking with your head and i know u *do* love him... he just should have asked u if u were IN LOVE with him

He’ll probably turn out to be one of the great disappointments of my life, that boy.

only if u don’t pull yr head out of his arse every now and then to take a look see
beyond jan 29?

So close to perfection. As if I needed any more proof, there is no god!
Yes to Beyond


SMS. 21.54. Apparently, you were dancing to the shit music too – D
SMS. 21.56. I don’t understand? – christian

D called a few minutes later to say that the had just been discussing the music at Witness Protection and despite my protests to the contrary, I was dancing up a storm all night.

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