Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hope You’re Feeling Better Today

Hey Christian,

Hope your feeling better today.

That film review we watched where we didn’t know what the old lady had done wrong?  Abortion.


I feel a bit like c*ap, but I’m okay’ish. Getting by. Can’t wait for the weekend to fall in a heap!


I went to mum’s and had dinner with her and Gill. Gill was busy reminding us that it is her birthday tomorrow.

I’ll hear from you all tomorrow, she said with a big smile, as she drove off.

SMS. 21.48. How are you feeling miss xx – Tom

SMS. 22.09. Okay. But I felt crappy again when I left mum’s after dinner, head achy & a bit nauseous. Now I’m in bed – christian

SMS. 22.12. Tried to talk Manny into coming over to make me feel better, but no. Never have a b/f without a car! – christian

SMS. 22.12. No never! – Tom 

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