The Pope died. This is the second one of these I’ve witnessed, actually third, if you count the guy who lasted 38 days.
I think John Paul 2 was a great man with some really bad views. I suppose his greatest failing was the fact he was a conservative, he didn’t liberalise the church for the 21st Century.
It was probably best he died, rather than his crippled image breaking the faithful's hearts every day.
I cried at the humanity he showed in his lifetime to people, portrayed in a documentary about his good, if Catholicism blinded, heart, televised to commemorate his life.
But, I’ve taken a whole trip in the last twenty four hours, lazy weekend. They always make me teary, afterwards.
I also cried over what a decent human being the new Prime Minister of Malaysia seemed to be. His parting words were, Muslims and Christians and Jews have so much in common, so therefore the problems of the world could be solved.
Gotta love that acid! Solve the problems of the world.
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