SMS. 00.21. Hey is that offer still going? Am near ur place and have a car. Can be there in 10. Not sure how long I can stay tho, but better than nothing – Dean
SMS. 00.24. Come over – Christian
I think I was just too wasted on dope to be completely up with it with Dean. But the sight of him with his jeans around his ankles and his hard cock in my hand was hot – rock hard cock, masturbating him. He has a dark-skinned, veiny cock, that is beautifully uncut; thick legs; dark purple ball sack. His dark, good looks, his concentration on what was being done to his manhood, totally turned on and steaming.
I think, I was a victim of my own trap, just as he was arse-up in the air, my head spun, I faltered, too hot from the roaring fire, to stoned from too many joints, whoosh. Semi-shut down. I need a breather, gotta take a break.
Why don’t I marry Dean?
I fell asleep watching Joan Crawford’s Rain
I woke at 6am on the couch, shut everything off and went to bed.
Boy, do I feel like I have a bong-over, or what? Still stoned. I’m quitting smoking today. Too many pains in the chest, just of late, to justify continuing.
I’m trying marijuana therapy, traditionally a therapy that has an indistinct history of success. Besides, there was a joint in the ashtray, hardly smoked. If I can just have a few joints to get me through the worst of the first day of quitting. Just today. Tomorrow nothing, if I can smoke no cigarettes today.
My computer screen flashes pink and blue. I should just go down to Office Works and buy the new one, 15inch flat, for three hundred and seventy. In fact, I might just do that.
I now have a flat 19 inch screen, for five hundred dollars. You see my wallpaper art work on it. Yum!
I got really stoned and watched the rape scene from Glass House, where the cute, blond guy gets taken by four, or five, fellas. I wanked on the couch.
I smoked a number of joints before I went to mums. I got there at two, she wasn’t home. I took the Rover for a spin and bought iced finger buns.
SMS. I was coming, now, after seeing mum, but Manny just waved his cock @ me, so I’ll see you another time – Christian
SMS. 14.42. Cock always wins over cute Staffy puppies – Rachel
SMS. 14.44. Especially beautiful Greek ones – Christian
SMS. 14.45. Dunno, never had a Greek one – Rachel
SMS. 14.47. Greek boys are gorgeous. You should before you die, it’s a must. – Christian
SMS. 14.49. There’s lots 2 do b4 I dies, not sure where having a Greek boy fits into the scheme. D u have a camera phone? – Rachel
SMS. 14.54. U should slip him in as a matter of urgency. Velvet skin. White teeth. Big, brown eyes – Christian
SMS. 14.58. And they r good @ it! – Christian
SMS. 15.01. Is this Manny who was on the scene ages ago? – Rachel
Mum was coming home just as I was walking down the front path.
SMS. 15.06. Yep. Didn’t I show u his cock? He laughed when I told him I had. Greek boys, got to love ‘em, their not shy – Christian
SMS. 15.06. Thought so, I will send a photo of Billie from a friend’s phone – Rachel
SMS. 15.08. Why? – Rachel
SMS. 15.09. Don’t send – Christian
She cooked me stew and I ate Tim’Tams.
I was home by four. I called Manny and told him to get his arse over. He said he may stay the night, but I said he couldn’t if I was going to work the next day. He could stay Friday or Saturday night.
Tim and Nicholas came home.
I’m so stoned by the time Manny finally get here. He’s cross because he doesn’t think I’m up to going to the bank and lending him three hundred dollars. I play with his nipples and come back to life. Makes him smile... give me that sexy look.
SMS. 17.58. Why can’t I send it? – Rachel
SMS. 18.15. Police found a body in the men’s toilet. Saggy breasts, one testicle, an abnormally small cock and wearing women’s panties. Text me back so I know your ok. I’m back – Shane.
SMS. 18.18. (Rachel) I’m not connected – Christian
SMS. 18.19. I’m stoned – Christian
It is a cool night. I have a hard-on as we walk, the long lamb’s wool coat hides it well.
I love it when Manny is lying on top of me, his hard and soft bits pushing into my hard and soft bitss. I hold him by the arse and grind into him, he feels hard, and sexy, and hot. His cock against mine, hot, sweaty, and hard. Me kissing his big, soft lips. His legs over mine. His nipples tender and between my fingertips, so I can regulate his breathing.
Manny left early, he had to PT it home. I’m too stoned to drive.
SMS. 22.58. (Shane) Welcome back dol – Christian
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