Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Monday

So, what happened? Mary Magdalene went down to the tomb and found her boy was gone. And hence a belief system was latched onto and the greatest piece of history was begun.

So what's with the rabbits and the eggs? Was that a five hundred year old marketing tool, for the kids, when the pews were getting a little deserted?

How come our boy died neatly on a Pagan public holiday?

(How come he was born on one too?)

So let's look at Jesus' actual words, a brave move for any Christian. This was just before he went up on the cross, so it was, somewhat, of a defining moment for our boy.

You can tell the righteous from the damned by whether they'd fed the hungry; slaked the thirsty, clothed the naked, welcomed the stranger and visited the prisoner.

I give money to the Smith family, regularly; I give money on the street, if I believe it's genuine; I give all of my old clothes to the Brotherhood; I regularly have overseas guests, due to Bolago and it's organic farm itinerant workers program. (The cute blokes, to be sure); I do volunteer, telephone counseling.

Ironic, really.


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