Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I don't know how many people I asked today how their weekend was. Bloody hell, public holidays. What was it for again? Someone died on a cross? Someone died and got a cross? Oh, who knows? But it makes tomorrow Thursday, hey? Got to love that.

And another week slips by at the salt mines. Am I going to do this for the next twenty years? Funny to think.

Most of us, the vast majority, just have pointless jobs. So by definition, we live most of our lives performing pointless tasks. So therefore, most of us waste our lives?

I think it is true, we put in the hours to maintain the machine. How much of that machine, actually, maintains us?

Not much, I'd say. Faceless corporations making faceless profits for the faceless few at the top.

The rest of us? We're just the discarded lube from the engine.


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