Thursday, May 06, 2021

Flu Shot

I'm going into the office this morning to have a flu shot. Every year my company offers flu shots and it is always on one of the two days that I am not working, so I don't usually take advantage of the work based scheme. But this year, I guess, because I am not in the office at all, one day seems as good as another, so I am heading in to get my free jab. (call me cheap, if you like)

I have a flu shot every year, for years now, and I haven't had the flu forever, touch wood, just not the free company injection. This year I thought bugger it, get the free one, as it probably takes me the same time to get to the office as it does to get to my doctor. Of course, that is true of any year, but it just seems more palatable when I am not going in on my day off. I'm sure there is some logic in that somewhere?

This is the first time I have been into the office for over a year. Actually, that's not quite true, I did go in one other time, but I went in early and nobody was there, oh, except for the one other early starter like me, Big Ange, but she is not really in my team, so I don't count her. We had a brief chat, she said it was nice to see me, and then I left before anyone else arrived.

I have a friend, Jeff Titan, who is now a magistrate, continually over the years he has said to me, "Don't ever talk about me in the office." Me working in law firms, you understand. My thoughts on the subject have always been, who am I going to talk to about you? But Jeff continues to make the request. Oh, you know, drug taking fags, I'm guessing he thinks it wouldn't do his reputation any good. Not that any of us are drug taking poofs now, but back in the day, Jeff and I have danced at Mardi Gras off our faces, on more than one occasion. I mean, truthfully, I'm not about to make those sorts of admissions about myself, anyway. Not that I am ashamed, or anything, we had more fun than anyone was supposed to have, but its work and I don't have those sorts of conversations at work.

It was Jeff who told me the story about when he was a relatively junior barista... oops (that made me giggle) barrister (you'd have to know Jeff), having dinner with very senior legal people and after the meal was finished a silver tray of syringes came around full of speed of which everyone was to partake (amongst other stories he has told me)... but I'm not allowed to mention him.

In all my years of working in law firms, and I have worked in three of the biggest, Big Ange, is the only person who has bought up Jeff Titan in conversation. It was some Xmas party and she and Jeff and some partner had a drunken night, all staggering back into the office to continue their drinking until late, apparently, all of them need help getting themselves home. I have never mentioned this anecdote to Jeff, I've never thought to, actually, but he can rest assured, he clearly doesn't need me to tarnish his precious reputation.

Oh, um, not that that really has anything to do with anything, it just came to mind.

I have a mid-morning appointment with the nurse, so, I am guessing, everyone will be in, so I will get to see the whole team. Yay. Fists shaken in the air.

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