Sunday, December 18, 2022

I Don't Care

It's funny, you know, in this age of 24 hour news, disaster after disaster, scandal after scandal after supposed scandal, I find I just care less about things. I read the news articles and I find more often than not half way though an article my thoughts are, I just don't care. 

Is it the relentless assault on our senses with sensationalism being the main motivation? I guess it is.

I head back to YouTube and watch the Youtube channels that I like.

(note to self, get off YouTube and start writing)

Argentina wins the World Cup. Is that anything like Eurovision?

Parents forced to... um? Monitor screen time?

Jeremy Clarkson writes stuff about Meaghan Markle to which many people object. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Shooting in Canadian apartment building. I have no words.

Some problem on an airplane between Phoenix and Tokyo. I have less words.

Charges recommended against Trump. Oh, shucks.

Elon Musk... Oh what now?

Harry and Meghan... they have one story, when will people get tired of hearing it?

Reading about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, you begin to lose the will to live. Seriously.

We seem to be encouraged to be interested in far more things than we really need to be. There is so much of the news that if it wasn't reported to us, it wouldn't affect our lives and we wouldn't really care. I think the 24 hour news cycle attempts to make news junkies out of all of us just for its own ratings.

Do you notice that with petrol prices they only report on the price going up, they never report on the prices falling.

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