Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Paying With Cash

With all the charges now added to payments made by EFT, I make sure I have enough cash in my wallet to pay for things with cash. I know that isn't very sexy, or very modern, but you are now paying fees with every payment you make. Is that what you really want to do?

I know that might sound pig headed, and quite possibly obsessive, but its not, it's easy, we've just got out of the habit.

Do you know, when I pay for lunch, or dinner, and I pull out the cash, so many eating places then go ahead and reduce the amount I have to pay. It is not by much, but it all adds up in the end.

It's not that hard to have cash in your wallet. Take 5 minutes at the ATM. Seriously, it isn't rocket science.

Banks really are now profiting from your payments, and greatly so. Is that what you want to do, make some rich men much richer? I ask you?

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