Sunday, February 19, 2006

This Funny Old World

The bitter taste of coffee bites at my taste buds, lovely. The silence is a joy. The merry-go-round stops, guess it stopped last night as I switched the DVD player off and lay my head down, for, what will be, a short time. Whirling, biting, clawing dickheads are out of my head - or are they in, considering I've just thought of them - for a short, short time.

The world can go on it's all-consuming, all-faking, all-kidding way all it likes. The dim amongst us latch on - watch the news, read the paper, be a part of it all, global psycho-drama where cartoons are a reason to kill people, are a reason to curtail free speech - the intelligent amongst us feel their knuckles relax as they float gently away.

I sip my coffee and shake my head at the state of the world. And laugh. Out loud? We're all spiralling to our inevitable end, as people shake certain books and tell us this is the way, the only way - clouds, gates, virgins and turbans. Just as a note, I prefer my virgins to be about thirty years old - strong legs, strong shoulders, lips that kiss and eyes that say it all. And hair; but I guess that is given, no matter which side of the fence you sit on.

Just one thanks, I'm tending towards monogamy, after years of open relationships. They can put up or shut up, now that I've hit my third decade.

Don't get me wrong. Live and let live. Whatever gets you through. I'm sure it must be a comfort, if you can over look the delusional state. But why is it that those with the (perceived, imagined, manufactured) higher calling wont afford me the same respect?

My coffee has cooled. My teeth feel furry. My feet are cold. Come on Missy, come back all is forgiven. I'll even purr for you.

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