Monday, January 23, 2006

Nova Scotia

Hello – just want to confirm that we're still catching up tomorrow for dinner (just so I know whether to drive my car in or not).
PS: have a lovely, smiley day!

Yes we are.


If I don’t melt before then. I’m such a petal…

I know – I feel like I'm in a Salvador Dali painting... all melty and squishy

Man with ocean running down his face.

Great title for a painting (or a book)!

or short story, even...

Couldn't we run away to some magical island and spend six months writing a best selling movie, to return to Australia millionaires. Couldn't we do that, huh? Trev could hold down the fort. Look after sundry children. What do you reckon. I could meet you at the airport in a few hours. I think it sounds like an excellent idea. (Maybe some where cool)

I'll be there. You book the tickets and I'll call Trevor to tell him I'll be a bit late home (like a few months). Our options re location at the moment seem to be pretty limited. People dying of heat in the Southern hemisphere, and freezing to death in the Northern... Let me know where we're heading (will need to have electricity to plug the lap top into).

What about Nova Scotia? It would be cool there. It would be civilised. We could live on Salmon. We could take Max. Some interior movie about gazing out to sea. Something about whales maybe? Babette’s Feast with lobster.

Hmmm... sounds less inviting with Max along. But salmon's good – I like salmon.

Cool. Ditch the kid!

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