Touching tongues, exchanging saliva, feeling another's warmth, even it it is just tongue tips touching. I love to kiss and lick, connecting eyes as out lips touch. Although, I did see a boy once who liked to spit into my mouth, which I didn't like, much. It was kind of too impersonal, or something. But I like to kiss. If I had to pick the one thing I like the best, sexually, that would be it. You know, if I had to pick.
Man, how I understand you! If I have the «saying», that's definitely the longest part of all. If a porn properly shows those moments all through the action, its success is garanteed with me. Seriously I'm somehow obsessed about it. Latin guys, generally speaking, aren't much into it. They always prefer the action. I've had that chance only a few times, but I guess they meant twice as much... Good for you, man! Besides the «other» place, sensitivity abounds in the lips. (What the h... am I writing about?!)
«French kissing through the looking glass»?...
Touching tongues, exchanging saliva, feeling another's warmth, even it it is just tongue tips touching. I love to kiss and lick, connecting eyes as out lips touch. Although, I did see a boy once who liked to spit into my mouth, which I didn't like, much. It was kind of too impersonal, or something. But I like to kiss. If I had to pick the one thing I like the best, sexually, that would be it. You know, if I had to pick.
Man, how I understand you! If I have the «saying», that's definitely the longest part of all. If a porn properly shows those moments all through the action, its success is garanteed with me.
Seriously I'm somehow obsessed about it. Latin guys, generally speaking, aren't much into it. They always prefer the action. I've had that chance only a few times, but I guess they meant twice as much...
Good for you, man! Besides the «other» place, sensitivity abounds in the lips.
(What the h... am I writing about?!)
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