Saturday, October 14, 2006

Isn't it Hot, at One Minute to Midnight, Mr Howard?

So, if this crazy weather is the culmination of global warming, I think we can safely assume that it is going to get worst before it gets better. It's going to get worse because nothing is being done yet to change it, or at least, there is a certain time lag in reducing green house gases, even after we take action.

It can't just be done in days, it takes years.

I was some what pleased, though, to see a member of this disgusting government linking weather change with global warming and actually talking about changes that need to be made to fix it. Well done you lying, rat politicians, baby steps are better than none, better than denial, which has been our governments stand, thus far.

We should all be voting on environmental issues in the coming elections, state and federal.

The Antarctic rains have tightened and constricted, so they now cover a smaller area, now missing the southern half of Australia. There are more tropical rains, so the rain now falls on the northern half of Australia. The dry part of Australia will now be the once lush southern half.

Actually, Mr Howard, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather vote for a govt who isn't preoccupied with licking George Bush's arse for a free trade agreement and who isn't taking us into wars specifically designed to maintain the wealth of the existing few. I'd rather vote for the pollies who are going to stop Victoria losing its snow fields and its beaches.

The people need to speak and they need to vote green!

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