Monday, March 27, 2023

George and The Gay Guys He Works With

My straight mate George says he can’t stop flirting with the two gay guys at work. Big strapping, handsome Greek George, not that I look at him that way, but I can see it, I'm not dead inside.

“I hope they know you are just messing around.”

“Oh sure, they know I’m married.”

“But do they know you are married and just messing around.”

“Yeah… sure they do.”

“Do they?”



"Oh, give me a break."

George says he gets his flirty hit, you know, he gets admired, and it is safe, he can never get into trouble, as he is not going to do anything.

"Are you sure," I asked him again.

There is a lot to admire about George, he goes to the gym, and he swims, so he is pretty well put together. You know, that is if you don’t know him as a mate. But, even I can't forget those red speedos at the pool that day, and I have no interest in George, he's like a brother. (Even if I do have filthy brother fantasies when I watch porn, but they are just taboo fantasies, they just simply don't translate to real life. They don't. I can't think of my brother... oh, no, that is just ick)

He's funny and he's smart and we've known each other for the longest time.

“But that doesn’t mean the gay guys at work don’t see you sexually”

“Nah, they know.”

“I hope you are right about that.”

"I am, relax."

I hope he is right. I mean, no one wants HR involved in anything, lets face it, they are not called human remains universally for nothing. It isn't just me.

"And how does this admiration society manifest itself?"

"Oh, they..." 

"Do they look at you with big, dough eyes and call you sir?"

"What? They run around doing things for me, get me things, you know. Stuff I don't want to do."

"Oh George." The only son of a Greek family full of daughters. Don’t you think he was treated like a prince. "I feel like I have failed you, getting you ready for the real world."

George wraps my up in his big arms and kisses the side of my head. "If it weren't for you, I'd probably treat them very differently."

"Yeah... well... I know you mean that in a really positive way, but I'm not sure..."

"Oh, relax will you. Everything is cool," says George. "I love you buddy." He squeezes me in his arms.

"Oh, you big lump."

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