Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Tinker Bell Pay Up At The 11th Hour

Tinker Bell (I call her that because she seemed to be living in her own fantasy land regarding this issue) paid the money. She paid it on the 14th day of the 14 day period I gave her before I enacted a summons to take the matter to court.

Phew! I say.

I have to admit it had been on my mind, and I'd hoped it had been on her mind. What if she got pigheaded about it and refused to pay, even with the threat of court, as I can tell you, I didn't want to take her to court. It would have been a huge drama for no real reason, but I would have. Do I get a lawyer? Do I defend myself? Can I get the court to allocate the extra costs to her?

I lay awake a couple of nights worrying about it. I hoped she was laying awake some nights thinking about it too. And maybe she was? The timing of the payment says she was. Good.

Well, anyway, she paid, and it is over. 

Well, not quite over, as I still have to take my car to be repaired.

She draw it out as she didn't feel comfortable paying me directly. 

Sam said, "Just let her pay the panel beater."

It just didn't seem fair. She backed into my car, when I wasn't even in it, I had to get the police to track her down, I had to go and get 2 quotes to get the car fixed, I still have to take the car to be repaired, and she thought she could dictate the conditions under which the car got fixed. No, fuck her, I thought.

Anyway... time to move on.

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