Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Wednesday We Go Insane

And the wicked HR witch of the north, the duplicitous Fish Face, whark, whark, whark's at me mid morning (Oh gee, I thought you were dead... I hoped you were dead... you know, a runaway truck on a sharp bend as she makes her way home late Friday night after she has stopped haunting the Sydney office for the day. Cross your fingers) with some indirect question, the meaning of which isn't exactly clear, that I just know is going to come back and bite me one day, most likely in the very near future. I always have to look for the hidden agenda with that one. 

I sick Boris on to her. Boris is good for dotting i's and crossing t's in a way that I really just can't be fagged doing, sometimes to my detriment. You know when you are dealing with an incompetent and you just know it is kind of pointless, as they are only trying to shore up their position continually, more so than doing what is good for everyone involved.

Oh, I so often, can’t help but think, it just doesn't have to be this way when I am dealing with her. You know, adversarial. And when I engage with Fish Face on her terms I always feel as though I have to go and have a shower afterwards, just to was off the ‘ick.’ You know what they say, lie down with dogs... (even if I think lying done with dogs is the most beautiful thing... you all know what the saying means)

She has a voice like a long plaintive crow call, like a crow that has live a life of abject misery. I'm sure its capable of taking out an ear drum if she really got going. (She has bleach blond hair, skin that is darker than her locks, and rabbit teeth)

So good old Boris, sick 'em tiger.

Still, it is nearly the weekend.

Let's not go insane... now.

I won't be around for the next 2 days to get hit by her bitch fall out. "Watch out! In coming!" So, what do I care anyway.

And Bruno lies across the wheel leg of my chair in what looks like the most uncomfortable position, so I can't move my chair, snoring contentedly. He lies next to me for most of the day. Why would I want to go back to the office? Remind me again?

Hump Day, it's all dismay,

unless, of course, it is the week's last day.

Smiley face.

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