Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Well yes, I've always said that.

Purses lips. That got peanuts innit?

She eyes the plate of biscuits suspiciously.

No, yes, no. She looks down at the biscuits. Shrug. Looks up. Well yes... I've always thought that meself too. Who'd've Sam Hill'd thought he'd turn out like that too, I ask meself...?

Spitting, sound of nuts hitting china. Cough. Clear throat. Yes, well he always had, well, tendencies

Sneezes. Manky hand with snot trails, er, on the back. Shows back of hand. Gotta tissue, luv?

No, well. Grimace. She passes the tissue box and looks away. The thing is, he was ON THE PROWL ALL WEEKEND wasn't he? Looks back. Or so they says. Raised eyebrows.

Well yes, no, I say, no, it's like this... Did he GET ANY? Up the park, you say?

Nah! Not a sausage.



Nicola von Nixt

Wouldn't've thort it. I mean, with those black locks...

And hung like a bloom'n, ar, buffalo. Yip of a laugh.

In those white shorts. Raised eyebrows. Pursed lips.

I KNOW!!! Luv, you can't tell me somethin for nuthin. Reaches for another cuppa chamomile.

Clears throat.

But reckons he'll email tonight? From? Raised eyebrows.

HOME he says, but he's been at it before...

Home, sure? Home?

Yerrrrrs. Purses lips yet again.

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