The planet is now so polluted that some experts say that it is too late to save it. And what do we have, the Christians fighting the Muslims, as half the world starves and the other half continues to consume unchecked. We have politicians who aren’t afraid to exploit it, to get a vote. Create the perception of fear and the rest takes care of itself. We have progressed not at all in the last 2000 years. If you take Rome, for instance, as the world, as they believed back then, and you take the disease and pollution that poisoned that world. We've simply traded the doomed micro world of Rome for the diseased complete world.
The human race is going down and, all things considered, rightly so. As all the major civilisations have, but this time it is the one world population, so it’s everybody.
I’ve realised I’m a monarchist, because of the alternative. I love Liz and I admire Prince Charles. The monarchy is in good hands. It’s the only hope I see Australia having. The alternative is the American style presidential elections where only the mega wealthy get to run the country. American State, fait de compli.
I think we should have our own flag, absolutely. Something that says Australia. I reckon the Qantas Kangaroo, and though I don't really like green and gold, they are our colours.
How much land fill do you think the whole Xmas season crates? How much poison is there on the planet, quite literally? Unquenchable wants taking us that bit closer to dooms day; the plate creates with the collective greed of the human race, almost celebratory.
I don’t believe in the death penalty, under any circumstances, it degrades us all, shames us, diminishes us all. We all fail if that’s the only answer we have left.
I believe in abortion on demand, get rid of the bit of snot before it becomes a problem. It’s what’s wrong with the world, too many abortions have lived.
Subject: Monday Morning
Ah, lovely, sunny Monday morning. Where is that bottle of pills?
Subject: Monday-itis
Hey Christian,
How's you this morning?
How was the peaceful Bolago? It was certainly a lovely day for it yesterday.
Perry's was nice, perhaps a little crowded, but good to see everyone nonetheless.
I don't think I can communicate how tired my body is, and how this being out of hospital business is just a step towards recovery.
Shane shrilly asked me why I needed blood transfusions, as he impressed upon me the need to exercise and do yoga to un-contract my body and regain my strength.
Impressed upon me? Drilled into me, actually, to the point where I almost told him to back off, but then later, as I was drifting off to sleep past midnight, I did think it would be good to do some movement, however gentle and small.
So Shane is going to talk to Nella and arrange a session for me where I can learn some gentle positions.
It will make me feel good to do something pro-active.
Having a night away from Fred and Gina was good too. They weren't happy about it, but I told them they don't get a vote.
Same this morning, they have a meeting and they were actually arguing in hissed whispers about who would stay home with me.
Thankfully my sharp hearing allowed me to interrupt: "You're both going, I need some space. It's only three hours and I'll be fine. You don't get a vote!" Harrumph.
I hope you have a lovely day Christian
xxxxx Tom
Subject: Monday-itis
People are idiots, miss. Sometimes, I just don't think they get it. But, I guess, if it is outside the scope of, shall we say, the less intelligent amongst us, (or not actually about them) they are not going to get it. I'm not sure why I should feel surprised.
Subject: Monday-itis
I'll say two things.
One, Shane is indeed a sweetheart and I know his heart is in the right place. He wants me to be as well as possible, and Perry "shared with me" that it's been very difficult for Shane, Mark and indeed He-who-shall-never-be-mentioned to watch my decline, my depressive moments etc etc etc. He really is just trying to help.
The second thing is that Shane does treat me as if I am one of the stupid people. I did point out to him that I have done recovery before, that I feel I have demonstrated my ability to know what my body needs etc etc, and it just seemed to go right over his head. So, I feel he patronises me just a little, which is indeed annoying.
BUT we do forgive our friends their shortcomings, that's part of what being friends is about. And why oh why do you need a bottle of pills young Miss?
xxxx Tom
Subject: Monday-itis
Bottle of pills? Just Monday-itis at the snake-pit, doll. Nothing to be concerned about. I'm a trouper, when all is said and done, and I'll battle on.
Poor me... huh?
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