Sunday, June 14, 2009

At the Movies

I went to see Terminator Salvation, last night, at the casino. It was a big, block buster of an action movie. You were expecting? Big scenes, big sets, big action, big machines, big men. Bang, pow, zap, smash, run! Yeah, it was good. Good in that generic, he-man, all-action kind of American movie.

There were a few holes. At the beginning, When everyone was killed and Christian Bale, John Connor, escaped, how? Why wasn't he killed? And The Sam Worthington character, Marcus; how, exactly, did he locate everyone, the way he did?

But, Sam Worthington sure is pretty.

It all hung together well and unlike The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which I watched on DVD the other night, I wasn't hoping it would end a considerable time before it did. It kept my interest all the way through. It's nothing that we all haven't seen, many times, before. But, it was good.

The ubiquitous love interest? I was just surprised it wasn't Angelina Jolie peeling herself out of that jet-fighter suit.

The casino was pumping, boy was it busy. Kind of sad in a way, soulless, supermarket entertainment. But sexy boys every where, with girls in, seemingly, shorter skirts than the girl before.

The most exciting bit was getting out of the car park afterwards. Median strips were stopping us from going in the direction we wanted. No problem, in a four wheel drive, we just drove over them all and in minutes we were heading up Flinders Street. Now, would we have done that if we'd just been to see Sampson and Delilah?

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