Sunday, June 07, 2009

Use the Remote

Every emotional cripple who has a beef to air about a dying brat seems to have come out of the wood work to open a vein about the Chaser's skit. I even read about some woman who's kid died 29 years ago, who cried for an hour after viewing the footage. Oh lady, get some therapy.

I can bet you that most of them didn't even watch the show on the night, but have since watched the footage, on whichever news service has repeated the item in the race for ratings, so they too could be a part of the "outrage."

If you don't like it, don't watch it. It is still that simple. Use the remote.

I wonder how many of the "outraged" haven't even seen the footage?

I think it is the shadow side of the celebrity cult, or the shadow side of the "me, me, me' generation, where everyone thinks they can have their 2.5 seconds of fame, that opinion is a right and not something earned. And there is that whole group of people who's only vehicle for this is moral outrage. 

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