Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Rainy Hump Day

It rained and rained, and then it rained some more. 

So much for the warm weather which we were all enjoying just a few days ago.

The rain hasn't stopped for two days. It has been constant for two days.

Two days ago it was hot, like summer, lovely summer hot. I was in shorts for the first time this year, since winter. Well, it was sunny and warm, not hot hot, you understand. 

You know, different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is hot. I guess, in Australia, we consider something over 35 degrees to be hot, and it hasn't been over 35 degrees. 

40 degrees is certainly hot, a hot summer, but in some countries people think 40 degrees is Armageddon.

It hasn't been anything like that. It had been, you know, 26'ish degrees. Lovely. Really lovely. Friends in northern NSW tell me it is the perfect 28 degrees every day up there, and that is essentially why they live there, of course. Move north, they say, come and enjoy the perfect weather too.

It is pouring with rain as I write this. It is really falling down. Oh, enough with the rain already.

I chopped the hedge we have growing up the side of the front pathway. We don't notice it growing more and more during the dry weather, but once it rains, it is like brushing up against one of those big rollers in an automated car wash. Splosh! I always think to cut it when the weather is wet.

Anyway, I have things I want to get done tomorrow, the first day of my weekend, so Huey, ixnay with the rain ay.

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