Thursday, October 26, 2023

First Day Of My Weekend

I dreamed I was driving somewhere. I think it was up Canterbury Road towards Blackburn. No idea why? Someone was following me. No idea who, there was just that feeling of being followed, like in a movie. 

I ended up on this oval complex, I guess you might call it a stadium, but a small suburban stadium, rather than a big arena, where I am trying to manoeuvre the car through big potholes. It was a football field, or a cricket pitch, which I was tearing up.

Then I am in some sort of club house, where I am discussing being followed with some of the members, who seem to know all about who was following me. Some of them may have been followed. Don’t know who it was, but there was some sort of threat involved with it.

7.10am. I wake up. Otto is lying in his crate quietly chewing his bear. (He has a security teddy bear) He looks adorable.

Bruno comes downstairs with us.

It’s raining outside. Still? Otto wees straight away.

I’m busting for a wee as Otto pisses about while I wait for him to have a shit. I decide to piss in the garden. Bruno finally takes a dump, behind the bin where I can’t get to it easily with the long handled shovel. Yeah, good onya.

It’s cold. I make coffee. Otto chews his mattress. (Bulldogs are known for chewing up there beds, so the little guy is nothing out of the ordinary)

Some Trump loving, devout Christian, homo hating, election denier, climate sceptic, anti-abortion, cliche, voted in as new US House speaker, Mike Johnson. That will go well.

I tried having Otto on the couch next to me, but he wouldn’t settle. It is hard to work and to keep an eye on him so he doesn't plummet off the couch.

7.45am. I put him back in his crate.

Otto carries on so much in his crate that I take him outside again, as he only had one shit earlier and he normally always has two. He wees straight away. We run around the car. He suddenly charges off down the stairs and inside. Oh yes, at 12 weeks he has mastered the art of the escape.

Otto is chewing his rope. Then he is playing with a tennis ball. I get down and throw it for him. Bruno gets off the couch and he and Otto wrestle/play fight, for a while, until Bruno pins Otto down on the floor in a head lock and I decide Otto isn’t big enough to play with Bruno just yet and I put him back in his crate.

8.15am. Sam was up, he goes straight to Coles to get bulldog food.

I watch a stuck baby elephant in peril from a pride of lions get rescued by another elephant family charging in to save him. The matriarch keeps at the baby until she has freed him. My eyes well with tears.

I listen to Bette Midler sing All I Need to Know.

Otto carry’s on so much in his crate that, when he is quiet for a minute, I get him out and put him back on the couch with me and he quietens down. I just have him settled down quietly and Sam calls wanting to know if we need milk and I have to get up and check. Fortunately, Otto settles right back down for a second time.

The bulldogs sleep cuddle up to either side of me on the couch.

When Sam returns, he seems to be grumpy with me as is often the case now a days. I don’t know why? What happened to my sweet Sam, I ask myself? 

Well, if you ask him, he would probably say that he feels like he does a lot of the work around here while I have my head buried in my laptop writing. The curse of being a writer, it is primarily a solo pursuit. And writing is time consuming.

In my defence, we do have pre-negotiated roles and I do keep what I have agreed to do done. Maybe, I'm not so good on the 'extra' things. But, Sam does take over and do things, thinking he does things better than me, that is what he is like. It's just on those days, I guess, where he feels tired, perhaps, that he gets grumpy.

The bulldogs sniff noses across my lap. Adorable.

Sam feeds them.

Bruno goes out the front while Otto finishes his breakfast.

Otto comes in and sits on the couch with me. Bruno gets up on the couch too. I move Otto across the other side of the couch to Bruno, as Bruno doesn’t really make any allowance for their size difference and will sit on Otto without a second thought.

I look at Facebook. Oh, Rachel has been posting photos of daughter Amy’s wedding in NZ and I have been looking at them. Everybody went. 🤔

I watch some more Elephant YouTube videos. You know if ever there was a really big symbol for saving this big, beautiful world of ours...

10.30am. I take Otto out the back. We clean up spilt potting mix together. He’s adorable when he hangs out with me. We run around the car together. He is really fast.

11.05am. Otto is in his crate asleep.

I continue with re-writing my fiction blog, trying to make each post better than it had been. Some I just have to re-write somewhat, others I have to practically scrap in their entirety and write them again.

11.25am. I have a shower.

11.45am. I take Bruno for a walk, under the threatening grey clouds

We hadn’t got to the corner of our street and the rain began to fall, so we detour to Smith Street.

We take too long under the scaffolding over the footpath at the new build at 131 Smith Street, because we met up with Bronski the French Bulldog, after which Bruno sniffed about as Bruno does, and the worker says something to us. I don’t really understand what the worker guy is saying, I gather it is something about the dangers of the scaffolding. 

As we head out from under the scaffolding, actually, just walking along the footpath, you understand, I see, what I assume is a supervisor type, watching us. It is not until Bruno and I get a little further along Smith Street that I realise they were telling us to move along, a private developer, telling us on a public footpath to move along. Seriously? Fuck off, I think, some two blocks up the road. Property developers are ruining Fitzroy, I don't need fucken directions from them too.

12.15pm. We go to St Marks Recycle just for a sniff around. Of course, Bruno gets treats.

I get Fawlty Towers, Another Gay Movie (Oh yes, I know, tacky), Poltergays (no, I’d never heard of it either, turns out to be some French movie) and The Mary Tyler Moore show season 2. Why not, I think. I never watched The Mary Tyler Moore show regularly, but I did watch it occasionally in reruns of the reruns. It’s in a thin case and the nice lady behind the counter misses it and only charges me for 3 DVDs instead of 4. Should I have said something? Oh, fuck it, I buy lots of DVDs from them, surely, I would be considered a regular customer?

We left St Marks and headed towards Johnson Street. There was a woman at the take away coffee shop with a Border Collie that was staring at Bruno too intently to be considered friendly without asking. She was a beret wearing, 60 year old airhead to be sure.

“Is your dog friendly?” I ask.

“Som…times,” she says. “But not with puppies.” As her dog tries to bite Bruno as I pull Bruno away. “He’s not a puppy, is he?”

“No, he’s not a puppy,” I say.

We're most of the way back down Smith Street when there is a dog barking on the other side of the road in front of the old post office. I look over to see a middle aged woman with a big staffy/putbull/loser’s type dog on a lead charging off with her barely able to hold on to it. Yay! I think. That's going to go well. Should I keep watching to see when she loses control of that thing completely?

12.36pm. We’re home.

We ate Mongolian Lamb with long beans and rice.

When I realise the Fawlty Towers DVd is only 3 episodes and not a complete season, I look up Fawlty Towers DVDs on eBay? I could get them quite cheap but decide in the end not to spend the money.

1.30pm. David calls. He talks about meeting Torben, one of his ex’s. I take notes as he tells the story.

David met Torben at boiler club sauna Berlin, he’d been doing 5 days of Purple Princess meth, he was emaciated. He went to Torben’s place and saw the shrine to the dead boyfriend taking up centre position in Torben’s lounge room, for the first time, tra la la love me do. (Of course, David thought it was romantic and not weird) 

They were supposed to meet next day later but David went to sex club book shop, it was hot, temperature, he completely collapsed (not sure what other kind of collapse there is?), there may have been G involved, David suggests. (I’m shocked) Eventually, the attendant told David he’d been there all day and he had to get out. So, he didn’t meet Torbene as planned. So, he headed back to hotel tail between his legs, thought he’d messed it up. Messaged Torben and said sorry. Said he collapsed in store, didn’t say what store, for obvious reasons, she didn’t want to look like a complete skank. 

The next day Torben was waiting for him in his hotel foyer, reading a book. (he fell instantly in love with the book reader, didn't take it as a red flag) David cried sorry, sorry, sorry.  Sorry, sorry, sorry.

“Come back to my place,” says Torben. 

And David did. They lit candles at Torben’s. They went to a church, 👀 David vowed to throw his drugs away. Took a taxi to airport. Torben said don’t worry.

It was the year before David’s big birthday so, it was 5 years ago.

We ate pizza for dinner.

We watched The Amazing Race. Harry and Teddy came in last, but it was a predetermined non-elimination leg. Good thing, I like Harry & Teddy. Harry is adorable.

Sam went to bed at 9.30pm with Bruno. They both like going to bed early.

Otto and I lie on the couch.

Bruno arrived back downstairs at 11.15pm just after I took Otto out for a wee, then Bruno and Otto headed outside for a wee together. Adorable, the two of them running side by side.

Then I sat on the couch with a bulldog sleeping on either side of me as I watched Will & Grace until midnight, so I can take Otto for a late wee before he goes to bed.

12.05am. I took Otto for a wee and took him upstairs to his sleeping playpen.

12.15am. Bruno and I went to bed.

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