Thursday, October 05, 2023

Perhaps, I should Have Made A List

The sun shines down, dappled and soft. The rain has stopped, it seems to have finally fucked off. The water in the pond sounds all tinkly and soft, as the pump pushes it out into a mushroom swirl, so the gold fish can breathe more easily than not. Bruno lies next to me on the big pink woollen rug, which he uses as a bunny, on which to lie his big gorgeous mug, which I have pulled across my knees, like my grandmas used to do when they were alive. Actually, neither of my grandmas needed a rug across their knees, one was too busy at 92 up ladders painting her eves, and the other one was anaesthetised on fags and brandy she’d have drip fed to her throughout the day. 

I have things to do today, none of which now come to mind, as I am just too warm cuddled up to my dog in the morn. It isn’t yet 9am, so I have plenty of time to get things done, however I’m feeling less and less and less inclined as the morning moves along, as I got up frightfully early not long after 5. Next time I will make a list, rather than committing everything to mind.

Otto is in his crate, after bouncing all around the house, hanging from Bruno’s ears, neck and mouth, now he is with his teddy bear as quiet as a mouse. Sam is at his computer somewhere in the house, it is a work day for him, so he is working nice and early as is the way. I hear him laugh, his lovely musical he he, so he must be looking at something other than his programming for the day.

I was going to go to Bunnings, to get fasteners for the vine, that was growing on my back wall, but in the last few days has fallen down. I think those wire U shaped ones that I can hammer in, should just about do the trick to stop it falling down again. I could drive, yes, I could drive, that would be the fastest way to go, but as I am going to take Bruno for a walk at some point today, I guess I should combine the two things and get them both out of the way.

But before I do anything, I should make another coffee pot, and then I should dash upstairs and wash myself and shower off. So, I guess that is a plan, yes I could call it that yes I can, that wasn’t so hard, that came together without too much pain. But, I still have to get my shit together, my clothes on, and my wallet in my hand, get Bruno in his harness, poo bags into the plan, get myself out the door and down the street, pulling it all together one two three.

Oh, I am exhausted just thinking about it. Yes, I am, I cannot deny.

No hurry though, I tell myself, I have nothing else to do today.

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