Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday in the Office

Monday, I am in the office, sad face. What a waste of time, is going to the office. Companies should just face facts, your employees kept you viable by working from home during the pandemic, so now it is time to offer them the same privilege in return. Nobody wants to go back to the office, except for sado attention seekers who have nothing else in their lives but the office, (I jest, of course, but some people say they need the interaction of the office, weird huh?) deal with it.

I see Boris face to face. That's nice. She asks about my weekend. She asks about Otto. I have to push myself to ask her about her weekend? That's terrible isn't it. And you all thought I was a nice person. You do think I am a nice person, don't you? Funny, that is something I know nothing about. Some people say that is how it should be.

I get to the office at 6.30am. The lights clank on one by one as I enter the floor. All my work is done by mid morning, getting there so early, and all. I have 1 boring meeting with my team in the early afternoon, where they all yap on about goals and achievements and I try to be interested. Grrr! I leave at 3pm. Day done. Not too hard.


I take Bruno for a walk when I get home. It is a lovely afternoon. I can hardly wait to take both Bruno and Otto walking. That will be fun. Hard work. Thursdays and Fridays when I take them on my own during my days off. We'll see how we go.

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