Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Would You Believe It If I Told You, I Hadn't Smoked Cigarettes For Four To Five Months?

Sounds good.

How are you this fine day?
I was up till 5am with a killer jaw ache – goodness knows what's going on there – pain is not a good thing for a man in my delicate condition, and I was fearing the onset of fever that would signify infection, but no, just pain pain PAIN.
I really didn't know I was such a wimp!
Darren is in the paper today – or his dance company is – got a good review from the HeraldSun.
I wish I'd dais yes to those tickets now!
Why are you working late tonight Miss?

Not working late tonight. Off to mums.
Can't talk, flat out!

The palms of my hands have been sweating profusely, I think, since I took up smoking again. Do you know what that means?

I'm not sure what it means, Christian.
A visit to Guido?
Withdrawal symptoms?
When did you give up smoking again?

4 or 5 months ago... cigarettes... so, you know, it's academic how long I actually gave up for, if you know what I mean?

(Ed note – while I had stopped smoking cigarettes for that long, I was still mixing tobacco with my joints,  so who knows exactly what the claim is?)

No I don't know what you mean L

I hadn't smoked cigarettes for four to five months...

yes but I thought you had started again?

SMS. 17.30. Wish we were still in Sydney. I’ve had enough of this mummy caper! – Rachel
SMS. 17.34. Mmmm? Curious? Considering how many years u’ve got to go – christian
SMS. 17.36. I have sharp knives a deep bath & gin. B very careful with the tormenting, not that I have time to suicide as it’s open night at school – Rachel
SMS. 17.40. Enjoy! I’m going to the pub to play pool & flirt with boys – christian
SMS. 17.40. Wouldn’t u know it, I don’t have any fucking gin. Have fun! – Rachel
SMS. 17.44. But u have knives! – christian

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