Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Same Old Fucking Story...

A new reality show called ‘Boy meets boy’ is scheduled to be shown this year.

A spokeswoman for the Catholic Church said, Television programming has hit a new low.

My question, why should anything gay constitute a new low?

A gay story line for Home and Away.

Religious groups react angrily.

Why are religious groups allowed to commit vilification and spread homophobia unchecked?

I don't understand?

Religious groups have absolutely no basis for it. None. Unless, of course, they are going to allow men to sell their daughters into slavery, put to death those who work the sabboth and stop eating shell fish, which is an abomination. Or is it something about undergarments and thread? Can’t remember, but you get my point - it's all from the same section of their silly old dusty book of myths, go look for yourself.

Why are religious groups allowed to selectively read the bible to spread their particular chosen brand of poison? Can someone tell me?


Oliver said...

'Cause everyone needs a purpose in life?

FletcherBeaver said...

I'm all for a purpose in life, no problem. I'm all for people to have religious beliefs, if that's what makes them happy. Again, no problem.
But why do they try to influence the way other people live their lives with their particular religious beliefs?
Even my housemate, who is Buddhist, tells me that he knows that I’m not an atheist, he knows deep down that I believe in spirituality, no matter how many times I tell him that I don't.
Somehow, my non-belief must threaten their beliefs... which, I can only conclude, must put their beliefs on very tenuous ground.