I'm loving this cooler weather, let me tell you. I can resume walking to work, without sweating like a marathon runner, by the time I get to the office. It's good to get out into the morning air and feel the fresh air in my lungs, again. It's good to feel the blood pump, as a way of waking up. I'm glad summer is over, quite frankly.
Next Monday is my date for quitting smoking, again. You know, I've been feeling miserable this year, which has been strange for me, as I'm usually a happy, positive, cynical but positive, person. It dawned on me, walking home from work, last night, that it is probably because of the number of times I have quit smoking this year. I'm always going through the angst of withdrawal, I'm always battling the pain of breaking an addiction, I'm always struggling with a process that is, in a sense, debilitating. I find it tiring to quit and if I'm constantly going through it...
Not that I have any conclusions on this, only that it is, probably, a good thing to realise. And, I'm not going mad, I'm not being beaten down by the modern world and I probably don't need to go and see someone. (not that there is any thing wrong with that)
So, next Monday it is!
Absolutely agree that the weather change is grand!
Just a thought, but can you use the passion against incompetence to help you quit smoking. It might seem to be putting a negative slant on quitting, when all the books talk about reinforcing the positives of not smoking. But the importance of not failing is a cornerstone of my current attempt.
You know, not weakening to the drug in my brain telling me to light one up. I would rather have that control myself..
Hi Fletcher
It's true, the people change the weather!
I've news.
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