Sunday, January 07, 2024

Last day Of Holidays For Sam

Sam and I have been enjoying the morning, having lunch and then been leaving home for Sam's rental property around 1pm, 2pm, then we've been finishing at 4pm and coming home. 

It is a wonder we've got anything done with those hours, but we've got a lot of it done. I guess, it was a good thing that it was in pretty good shape to start with and we've just been freshening it up, so to speak.

We've been coming home exhausted, none the less, covered in sanding dust and whatever. Paint on our hands. Filer under our fingernails.

We've been getting rid of the rubbish the tenants left behind. They had stored every box every appliance they have ever bought, plus the polystyrene that came with them. There is a 5 foot stack of moving boxes sitting in the back yard that they never used. Why they'd want so many who knows? And now, of course, they are a pile of rain ruined cardboard.

It rained all day today, which is exhausting in itself when you are having to go out in it and do stuff, be productive. Good thing it was warm at the same time, otherwise it could have been miserable, but it wasn't miserable. It was quite nice, in a way, feeling the rains drops on my face.

Oh, it wasn't raining this morning when we took the dogs for a walk. Bruno has a hotspot on his neck, most likely caused by Otto chewing on his neck, as puppies do. Otto's teeth probably pieced Bruno's skin at one point and bacteria got in and voila a skin infection.

Anyway, because of the hotspot, and due to the two of them charging around the place like mad things when we've been trying to work, we have been leaving Bruno at home and just taking Otto for the days work, hours of work.

So, we've been walking both of them in the morning before we left. The usual people haven't been saying how beautiful Bruno is, when they see the big red shaved scabby patch on his neck. Well, I guess you wouldn't, hey. It's not really very serious, it just takes a little time for it to heal.

Last days of holidays for Sam, he has been complaining that he wants to chuck it in and stay on holidays for the rest of his life, you know, like you do when your holidays come to an end.

I've got another big bag of rubbish to dispose of sitting on our front veranda. It's amazing to think we might just get the place cleaned up with our doing a hard rubbish collection.

There are just 3 more TVs that we are going to drop off at The Salvos. Three flat screen TVs? Why wouldn't they take 3 flat screen TVs with them, the previous tenants? They were always complaining about not having any money. It is hardly surprising, hey?

The last thing is some new carpet, but that'll be the last thing.

Nearly there.

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