Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Back to a much more sensible work arrangement, at home. Lovely.

I made coffee and signed into work at 7am. I'd answered all my emails by 8.30am.

I made porridge and a second coffee. I read the online news about Trump. he really is like that proverbial car crash that never stops giving.

When I was done, I checked my work emails, I'd received no more.

So, it was a gorgeous morning, so I headed outside and trimmed the creeper on my side wall. The two bulldogs lay on the dog bed near by and share chewed a big stick.

Now I am back at my work computer with more coffee and Bruno and Otto are lying side by side on the carpet next to me in my study.

Sam has been upstairs working since 9am.

You've just got to love working from home.

I re-wrote some of my poetry lately, I should do more of that, while I wait for all of my, what is the modern corporate terminology, internal customers to cough up their data. Waiting, waiting, waiting... 

I had all my work done by lunch time. 

We ate curry chicken Laksa for lunch.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day. I mean really gorgeous, crips and bright and warm. Sparkling, it was sparkling.

I decided to write more of my story Sam & Cameron two straight boys who have a fascination with a couple of gay guys at a dance party. 

It doesn't matter what I write as long as I'm not staring at YouTube mindlessly.

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