Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Last Day Of The Week

4:25 am, I get up and piss. I had full on dreams, but I seem to be forgetting them as soon as I wake up now a days. 

I was having some weird dreams which I thought I’d remember, but of course I don’t. 

After I went back to bed, my mate Jeff Titan (who I have always fancied, shh, don't tell anyone) is in his undies drinking lime daiquiris while a Filipino woman called Hilda did a pedicure with him sitting there with cottonwool between his toes? He has nice thick, bare thighs coming out of his white Calvins.

7am. I make coffee and I sign into work.

I realise the expected immanent heart attack, from the last few days, is just muscle pain from the pimple on my left tit that I keep scratching, and have been scratching, absentmindedly. Stupid me.

I'm listening to Sam Smith. I was always a fan of his second album, but I am liking his other albums now too.

Charlie was going to be overseas with his mother until he went back to uni, but he announces he'll be back soon, in a week. Sam is pissed off as he was enjoying not having to cook for him. There is a whole family drama going on with his mother and her boyfriend and it appears Charlie is now bailing on them.

I wish I could bail on the drama, but Sam is making my ears bleed with constant updates.

I sign out of work early, when I have no more work to do.

And that is the end of my week.

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